Learning Electives

Join us

We gather at 9:30 or 11:00 every sunday

Starting Line (Middle School Students) 

Sundays 9:30am at Berrien Center Bible Church Room 301

For more information or questions contact Mike@berrien.life 

Loft Talk (High school students) 

Sundays 9:30am at Berrien Center Bible Church in the LOFT 

For more information contact Hannah@berrien.life 

Young Adult GRoup 

Sundays 11:00am at Berrien Center Bible Church Room 301

For more information or questions contact Rich Lee rclee76@gmail.com 

You’re Welcome Here: Embracing the Heart of Hospitality

Sunday at BCBC in the Office at 9:30am 

Ladies this is a six-week study based on the teachings of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

Discover how imperfect you and your imperfect home can point others to a perfect God.  For more information contact Kristen Albers kristin.albers10@gmail.com 

Confronting the kingdom of darkness

Mondays  at BCBC in the sanctuary 7–8:30pm

Even though Christians are children of God's light, we live in a world ruled by Satan's kingdom of darkness. From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals to us the strength and power we have in Him to stand firm. Join us as we begin an overview culminating on how to battle effectively in the spiritual warfare we face daily.

Questions contact timothyzebell84@gmail.com 

Bible Study Fellowship

Wednesdays 9:30-11am at Berrien Center Bible Church starting September 11th  

The book of REVELATION!

The book of Revelation was given to us by God to be studied, not avoided.  It was not given to us to confuse us, or scare us, or to give us a timetable.  Spaces are limited, first come, first placed.

Questions? Email Tanya Haselhuhn at th.unafraid@gmail.com 


Sermon on the mount

Sundays at BCBC in the Chapel at 9:30am

3 Power Packed Chapters (Matthew 5–7)

Loving God and loving others is easy to read in print, but actually walking it out can be quite challenging . . . especially in a shifting cultural landscape. In this discussion-oriented class we’ll use The Bible Project  as we walk together through the ethics of living according to Christ’s Kingdom.

Questions contact Bill@berrien.life 

The good and beautiful community 

Wednesdays at the Coaching Center 6:00am-7:30pm

We'll seek together how to live in relationship with others as apprentices of Jesus in authentic ways, shining the light of the Spirit in all relationships. We will be walking through James Bryan Smith's book by the same title.  For more information contact Bill@berrien.life 

MightY Men of god 

Mondays at the Ministry House 6:30am-7:45am

Men meet to have conversations, share a hot coffee and pray for each other, our community, BCBC, and the world. 

Contact: Dave@berrien.life